Haptic Intelligence


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Fiber-Optic Shape Sensing Using Neural Networks Operating on Multispecklegrams

Cao, C. G. L., Javot, B., Bhattarai, S., Bierig, K., Oreshnikov, I., Volchkov, V. V.

IEEE Sensors Journal, 24(17):27532-27540, September 2024 (article)

Application of machine learning techniques on fiber speckle images to infer fiber deformation allows the use of an unmodified multimode fiber to act as a shape sensor. This approach eliminates the need for complex fiber design or construction (e.g., Bragg gratings and time-of-flight). Prior work in shape determination using neural networks trained on a finite number of possible fiber shapes (formulated as a classification task), or trained on a few continuous degrees of freedom, has been limited to reconstruction of fiber shapes only one bend at a time. Furthermore, generalization to shapes that were not used in training is challenging. Our innovative approach improves generalization capabilities, using computer vision-assisted parameterization of the actual fiber shape to provide a ground truth, and multiple specklegrams per fiber shape obtained by controlling the input field. Results from experimenting with several neural network architectures, shape parameterization, number of inputs, and specklegram resolution show that fiber shapes with multiple bends can be accurately predicted. Our approach is able to generalize to new shapes that were not in the training set. This approach of end-to-end training on parameterized ground truth opens new avenues for fiber-optic sensor applications. We publish the datasets used for training and validation, as well as an out-of-distribution (OOD) test set, and encourage interested readers to access these datasets for their own model development.

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Cutaneous Electrohydraulic (CUTE) Wearable Devices for Pleasant Broad-Bandwidth Haptic Cues

Sanchez-Tamayo, N., Yoder, Z., Rothemund, P., Ballardini, G., Keplinger, C., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Advanced Science, (2402461):1-14, September 2024 (article)

By focusing on vibrations, current wearable haptic devices underutilize the skin's perceptual capabilities. Devices that provide richer haptic stimuli, including contact feedback and/or variable pressure, are typically heavy and bulky due to the underlying actuator technology and the low sensitivity of hairy skin, which covers most of the body. This paper presents a system architecture for compact wearable devices that deliver salient and pleasant broad-bandwidth haptic cues: Cutaneous Electrohydraulic (CUTE) devices combine a custom materials design for soft haptic electrohydraulic actuators that feature high stroke, high force, and electrical safety with a comfortable mounting strategy that places the actuator in a non-contact resting position. A prototypical wrist-wearable CUTE device produces rich tactile sensations by making and breaking contact with the skin (2.44 mm actuation stroke), applying high controllable forces (exceeding 2.3 N), and delivering vibrations at a wide range of amplitudes and frequencies (0-200 Hz). A perceptual study with fourteen participants achieved 97.9% recognition accuracy across six diverse cues and verified their pleasant and expressive feel. This system architecture for wearable devices gives unprecedented control over the haptic cues delivered to the skin, providing an elegant and discreet way to activate the user's sense of touch.

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Building Instructions You Can Feel: Edge-Changing Haptic Devices for Digitally Guided Construction
Building Instructions You Can Feel: Edge-Changing Haptic Devices for Digitally Guided Construction

Tashiro, N., Faulkner, R., Melnyk, S., Rodriguez, T. R., Javot, B., Tahouni, Y., Cheng, T., Wood, D., Menges, A., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, September 2024 (article) Accepted

Recent efforts to connect builders to digital designs during construction have primarily focused on visual augmented reality, which requires accurate registration and specific lighting, and which could prevent a user from noticing safety hazards. Haptic interfaces, on the other hand, can convey physical design parameters through tangible local cues that don't distract from the surroundings. We propose two edge-changing haptic devices that use small inertial measurement units (IMUs) and linear actuators to guide users to perform construction tasks in real time: Drangle gives feedback for angling a drill relative to gravity, and Brangle assists with orienting bricks in the plane. We conducted a study with 18 participants to evaluate user performance and gather qualitative feedback. All users understood the edge-changing cues from both devices with minimal training. Drilling holes with Drangle was somewhat less accurate but much faster and easier than with a mechanical guide; 89% of participants preferred Drangle over the mechanical guide. Users generally understood Brangle's feedback but found its hand-size-specific grip, palmar contact, and attractive tactile cues less intuitive than Drangle's generalized form factor, fingertip contact, and repulsive cues. After summarizing design considerations, we propose application scenarios and speculate how such devices could improve construction workflows.



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Engineering and Evaluating Naturalistic Vibrotactile Feedback for Telerobotic Assembly

Gong, Y.

University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, August 2024, Faculty of Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering (phdthesis)

Teleoperation allows workers on a construction site to assemble pre-fabricated building components by controlling powerful machines from a safe distance. However, teleoperation's primary reliance on visual feedback limits the operator's efficiency in situations with stiff contact or poor visibility, compromising their situational awareness and thus increasing the difficulty of the task; it also makes construction machines more difficult to learn to operate. To bridge this gap, we propose that reliable, economical, and easy-to-implement naturalistic vibrotactile feedback could improve telerobotic control interfaces in construction and other application areas such as surgery. This type of feedback enables the operator to feel the natural vibrations experienced by the robot, which contain crucial information about its motions and its physical interactions with the environment. This dissertation explores how to deliver naturalistic vibrotactile feedback from a robot's end-effector to the hand of an operator performing telerobotic assembly tasks; furthermore, it seeks to understand the effects of such haptic cues. The presented research can be divided into four parts. We first describe the engineering of AiroTouch, a naturalistic vibrotactile feedback system tailored for use on construction sites but suitable for many other applications of telerobotics. Then we evaluate AiroTouch and explore the effects of the naturalistic vibrotactile feedback it delivers in three user studies conducted either in laboratory settings or on a construction site. We begin this dissertation by developing guidelines for creating a haptic feedback system that provides high-quality naturalistic vibrotactile feedback. These guidelines include three sections: component selection, component placement, and system evaluation. We detail each aspect with the parameters that need to be considered. Based on these guidelines, we adapt widely available commercial audio equipment to create our system called AiroTouch, which measures the vibration experienced by each robot tool with a high-bandwidth three-axis accelerometer and enables the user to feel this vibration in real time through a voice-coil actuator. Accurate haptic transmission is achieved by optimizing the positions of the system's off-the-shelf sensors and actuators and is then verified through measurements. The second part of this thesis presents our initial validation of AiroTouch. We explored how adding this naturalistic type of vibrotactile feedback affects the operator during small-scale telerobotic assembly. Due to the limited accessibility of teleoperated robots and to maintain safety, we conducted a user study in lab with a commercial bimanual dexterous teleoperation system developed for surgery (Intuitive da Vinci Si). Thirty participants used this robot equipped with AiroTouch to assemble a small stiff structure under three randomly ordered haptic feedback conditions: no vibrations, one-axis vibrations, and summed three-axis vibrations. The results show that participants learn to take advantage of both tested versions of the haptic feedback in the given tasks, as significantly lower vibrations and forces are observed in the second trial. Subjective responses indicate that naturalistic vibrotactile feedback increases the realism of the interaction and reduces the perceived task duration, task difficulty, and fatigue. To test our approach on a real construction site, we enhanced AiroTouch using wireless signal-transmission technologies and waterproofing, and then we adapted it to a mini-crane construction robot. A study was conducted to evaluate how naturalistic vibrotactile feedback affects an observer's understanding of telerobotic assembly performed by this robot on a construction site. Seven adults without construction experience observed a mix of manual and autonomous assembly processes both with and without naturalistic vibrotactile feedback. Qualitative analysis of their survey responses and interviews indicates that all participants had positive responses to this technology and believed it would be beneficial for construction activities. Finally, we evaluated the effects of naturalistic vibrotactile feedback provided by wireless AiroTouch during live teleoperation of the mini-crane. Twenty-eight participants remotely controlled the mini-crane to complete three large-scale assembly-related tasks in lab, both with and without this type of haptic feedback. Our results show that naturalistic vibrotactile feedback enhances the participants' awareness of both robot motion and contact between the robot and other objects, particularly in scenarios with limited visibility. These effects increase participants' confidence when controlling the robot. Moreover, there is a noticeable trend of reduced vibration magnitude in the conditions where this type of haptic feedback is provided. The primary contribution of this dissertation is the clear explanation of details that are essential for the effective implementation of naturalistic vibrotactile feedback. We demonstrate that our accessible, audio-based approach can enhance user performance and experience during telerobotic assembly in construction and other application domains. These findings lay the foundation for further exploration of the potential benefits of incorporating haptic cues to enhance user experience during teleoperation.

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Multimodal Multi-User Surface Recognition with the Kernel Two-Sample Test

Khojasteh, B., Solowjow, F., Trimpe, S., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 21(3):4432-4447, July 2024 (article)

Machine learning and deep learning have been used extensively to classify physical surfaces through images and time-series contact data. However, these methods rely on human expertise and entail the time-consuming processes of data and parameter tuning. To overcome these challenges, we propose an easily implemented framework that can directly handle heterogeneous data sources for classification tasks. Our data-versus-data approach automatically quantifies distinctive differences in distributions in a high-dimensional space via kernel two-sample testing between two sets extracted from multimodal data (e.g., images, sounds, haptic signals). We demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique by benchmarking against expertly engineered classifiers for visual-audio-haptic surface recognition due to the industrial relevance, difficulty, and competitive baselines of this application; ablation studies confirm the utility of key components of our pipeline. As shown in our open-source code, we achieve 97.2% accuracy on a standard multi-user dataset with 108 surface classes, outperforming the state-of-the-art machine-learning algorithm by 6% on a more difficult version of the task. The fact that our classifier obtains this performance with minimal data processing in the standard algorithm setting reinforces the powerful nature of kernel methods for learning to recognize complex patterns. Note to Practitioners—We demonstrate how to apply the kernel two-sample test to a surface-recognition task, discuss opportunities for improvement, and explain how to use this framework for other classification problems with similar properties. Automating surface recognition could benefit both surface inspection and robot manipulation. Our algorithm quantifies class similarity and therefore outputs an ordered list of similar surfaces. This technique is well suited for quality assurance and documentation of newly received materials or newly manufactured parts. More generally, our automated classification pipeline can handle heterogeneous data sources including images and high-frequency time-series measurements of vibrations, forces and other physical signals. As our approach circumvents the time-consuming process of feature engineering, both experts and non-experts can use it to achieve high-accuracy classification. It is particularly appealing for new problems without existing models and heuristics. In addition to strong theoretical properties, the algorithm is straightforward to use in practice since it requires only kernel evaluations. Its transparent architecture can provide fast insights into the given use case under different sensing combinations without costly optimization. Practitioners can also use our procedure to obtain the minimum data-acquisition time for independent time-series data from new sensor recordings.

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Optimized Magnetically Docked Ingestible Capsules for Non-Invasive Refilling of Implantable Devices

Al-Haddad, H., Guarnera, D., Tamadon, I., Arrico, L., Ballardini, G., Mariottini, F., Cucini, A., Ricciardi, S., Vistoli, F., Rotondo, M. I., Campani, D., Ren, X., Ciuti, G., Terry, B., Iacovacci, V., Ricott, L.

Advanced Intelligent Systems, (2400125):1-21, July 2024 (article)

Automated drug delivery systems (ADDS) improve chronic disease management by enhancing adherence and reducing patient burden, particularly in conditions like type 1 diabetes, through intraperitoneal insulin delivery. However, periodic invasive refilling of the reservoir is needed in such a class of implantable devices. In previous work, an implantable ADDS with a capsule docking system is introduced for non-invasive reservoir refilling. Yet, it encounters reliability issues in manufacturing, sealing, and docking design and lacks evidence on intestinal tissue compression effects and chronic in vivo data. This work proposes an optimization of the different components featuring this ADDS. The ingestible capsule is designed, developed, and tested following ISO 13485, exhibiting high insulin stability and optimal sealing for six days in harsh gastrointestinal-like conditions. A magnetic docking system is optimized, ensuring reliable and stable capsule docking at a clinically relevant distance of 5.92 mm. Histological tests on human intestinal tissues confirm safe capsule compression during docking. Bench tests demonstrate that the integrated mechatronic system effectively docks capsules at various peristalsis-mimicking velocities. A six-week in vivo test on porcine models demonstrates chronic safety and provides hints on fibrotic reactions. These results pave the way for the further evolution of implantable ADDS.

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Empowering Change: The Role of Student Changemakers in Advancing Sustainability within Engineering Education

Matthew, V., Simancek, R. E., Telepo, E., Machesky, J., Willman, H., Ismail, A. B., Schulz, A. K.

Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), June 2024, Victoria Matthew and Andrew K. Schulz contributed equally to this publication. (issue) In press



Fingertip Dynamic Response Simulated Across Excitation Points and Frequencies
Fingertip Dynamic Response Simulated Across Excitation Points and Frequencies

Serhat, G., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 23, pages: 1369-1376, May 2024 (article)

Predicting how the fingertip will mechanically respond to different stimuli can help explain human haptic perception and enable improvements to actuation approaches such as ultrasonic mid-air haptics. This study addresses this goal using high-fidelity 3D finite element analyses. We compute the deformation profiles and amplitudes caused by harmonic forces applied in the normal direction at four locations: the center of the finger pad, the side of the finger, the tip of the finger, and the oblique midpoint of these three sites. The excitation frequency is swept from 2.5 to 260 Hz. The simulated frequency response functions (FRFs) obtained for displacement demonstrate that the relative magnitudes of the deformations elicited by stimulating at each of these four locations greatly depends on whether only the excitation point or the entire finger is considered. The point force that induces the smallest local deformation can even cause the largest overall deformation at certain frequency intervals. Above 225 Hz, oblique excitation produces larger mean displacement amplitudes than the other three forces due to excitation of multiple modes involving diagonal deformation. These simulation results give novel insights into the combined influence of excitation location and frequency on the fingertip dynamic response, potentially facilitating the design of future vibration feedback devices.

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Closing the Loop in Minimally Supervised Human-Robot Interaction: Formative and Summative Feedback
Closing the Loop in Minimally Supervised Human-Robot Interaction: Formative and Summative Feedback

Mohan, M., Nunez, C. M., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Scientific Reports, 14(10564):1-18, May 2024 (article)

Human instructors fluidly communicate with hand gestures, head and body movements, and facial expressions, but robots rarely leverage these complementary cues. A minimally supervised social robot with such skills could help people exercise and learn new activities. Thus, we investigated how nonverbal feedback from a humanoid robot affects human behavior. Inspired by the education literature, we evaluated formative feedback (real-time corrections) and summative feedback (post-task scores) for three distinct tasks: positioning in the room, mimicking the robot's arm pose, and contacting the robot's hands. Twenty-eight adults completed seventy-five 30-second-long trials with no explicit instructions or experimenter help. Motion-capture data analysis shows that both formative and summative feedback from the robot significantly aided user performance. Additionally, formative feedback improved task understanding. These results show the power of nonverbal cues based on human movement and the utility of viewing feedback through formative and summative lenses.

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Airo{T}ouch: Enhancing Telerobotic Assembly through Naturalistic Haptic Feedback of Tool Vibrations
AiroTouch: Enhancing Telerobotic Assembly through Naturalistic Haptic Feedback of Tool Vibrations

Gong, Y., Husin, H. M., Erol, E., Ortenzi, V., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 11, pages: 1-15, May 2024 (article)

Teleoperation allows workers to safely control powerful construction machines; however, its primary reliance on visual feedback limits the operator's efficiency in situations with stiff contact or poor visibility, hindering its use for assembly of pre-fabricated building components. Reliable, economical, and easy-to-implement haptic feedback could fill this perception gap and facilitate the broader use of robots in construction and other application areas. Thus, we adapted widely available commercial audio equipment to create AiroTouch, a naturalistic haptic feedback system that measures the vibration experienced by each robot tool and enables the operator to feel a scaled version of this vibration in real time. Accurate haptic transmission was achieved by optimizing the positions of the system's off-the-shelf accelerometers and voice-coil actuators. A study was conducted to evaluate how adding this naturalistic type of vibrotactile feedback affects the operator during telerobotic assembly. Thirty participants used a bimanual dexterous teleoperation system (Intuitive da Vinci Si) to build a small rigid structure under three randomly ordered haptic feedback conditions: no vibrations, one-axis vibrations, and summed three-axis vibrations. The results show that users took advantage of both tested versions of the naturalistic haptic feedback after gaining some experience with the task, causing significantly lower vibrations and forces in the second trial. Subjective responses indicate that haptic feedback increased the realism of the interaction and reduced the perceived task duration, task difficulty, and fatigue. As hypothesized, higher haptic feedback gains were chosen by users with larger hands and for the smaller sensed vibrations in the one-axis condition. These results elucidate important details for effective implementation of naturalistic vibrotactile feedback and demonstrate that our accessible audio-based approach could enhance user performance and experience during telerobotic assembly in construction and other application domains.

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Modeling Fatigue in Manual and Robot-Assisted Work for Operator 5.0

Allemang–Trivalle, A., Donjat, J., Bechu, G., Coppin, G., Chollet, M., Klaproth, O. W., Mitschke, A., Schirrmann, A., Cao, C. G. L.

IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors, 12(1-2):135-147, March 2024 (article)

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Being Neurodivergent in Academia: Autistic and abroad
Being Neurodivergent in Academia: Autistic and abroad

Schulz, A.

eLife, 13, March 2024 (article)

An AuDHD researcher recounts the highs and lows of relocating from the United States to Germany for his postdoc.

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{IMU}-Based Kinematics Estimation Accuracy Affects Gait Retraining Using Vibrotactile Cues
IMU-Based Kinematics Estimation Accuracy Affects Gait Retraining Using Vibrotactile Cues

Rokhmanova, N., Pearl, O., Kuchenbecker, K. J., Halilaj, E.

IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 32, pages: 1005-1012, February 2024 (article)

Wearable sensing using inertial measurement units (IMUs) is enabling portable and customized gait retraining for knee osteoarthritis. However, the vibrotactile feedback that users receive directly depends on the accuracy of IMU-based kinematics. This study investigated how kinematic errors impact an individual's ability to learn a therapeutic gait using vibrotactile cues. Sensor accuracy was computed by comparing the IMU-based foot progression angle to marker-based motion capture, which was used as ground truth. Thirty subjects were randomized into three groups to learn a toe-in gait: one group received vibrotactile feedback during gait retraining in the laboratory, another received feedback outdoors, and the control group received only verbal instruction and proceeded directly to the evaluation condition. All subjects were evaluated on their ability to maintain the learned gait in a new outdoor environment. We found that subjects with high tracking errors exhibited more incorrect responses to vibrotactile cues and slower learning rates than subjects with low tracking errors. Subjects with low tracking errors outperformed the control group in the evaluation condition, whereas those with higher error did not. Errors were correlated with foot size and angle magnitude, which may indicate a non-random algorithmic bias. The accuracy of IMU-based kinematics has a cascading effect on feedback; ignoring this effect could lead researchers or clinicians to erroneously classify a patient as a non-responder if they did not improve after retraining. To use patient and clinician time effectively, future implementation of portable gait retraining will require assessment across a diverse range of patients.

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Creating a Haptic Empathetic Robot Animal That Feels Touch and Emotion
Creating a Haptic Empathetic Robot Animal That Feels Touch and Emotion

Burns, R.

University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, February 2024, Department of Computer Science (phdthesis)

Social touch, such as a hug or a poke on the shoulder, is an essential aspect of everyday interaction. Humans use social touch to gain attention, communicate needs, express emotions, and build social bonds. Despite its importance, touch sensing is very limited in most commercially available robots. By endowing robots with social-touch perception, one can unlock a myriad of new interaction possibilities. In this thesis, I present my work on creating a Haptic Empathetic Robot Animal (HERA), a koala-like robot for children with autism. I demonstrate the importance of establishing design guidelines based on one's target audience, which we investigated through interviews with autism specialists. I share our work on creating full-body tactile sensing for the NAO robot using low-cost, do-it-yourself (DIY) methods, and I introduce an approach to model long-term robot emotions using second-order dynamics.

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How Should Robots Exercise with People? Robot-Mediated Exergames Win with Music, Social Analogues, and Gameplay Clarity

Fitter, N. T., Mohan, M., Preston, R. C., Johnson, M. J., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 10(1155837):1-18, January 2024 (article)

The modern worldwide trend toward sedentary behavior comes with significant health risks. An accompanying wave of health technologies has tried to encourage physical activity, but these approaches often yield limited use and retention. Due to their unique ability to serve as both a health-promoting technology and a social peer, we propose robots as a game-changing solution for encouraging physical activity. This article analyzes the eight exergames we previously created for the Rethink Baxter Research Robot in terms of four key components that are grounded in the video-game literature: repetition, pattern matching, music, and social design. We use these four game facets to assess gameplay data from 40 adult users who each experienced the games in balanced random order. In agreement with prior research, our results show that relevant musical cultural references, recognizable social analogues, and gameplay clarity are good strategies for taking an otherwise highly repetitive physical activity and making it engaging and popular among users. Others who study socially assistive robots and rehabilitation robotics can benefit from this work by considering the presented design attributes to generate future hypotheses and by using our eight open-source games to pursue follow-up work on social-physical exercise with robots.

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Robust Surface Recognition with the Maximum Mean Discrepancy: Degrading Haptic-Auditory Signals through Bandwidth and Noise

(Best ToH Short Paper Award at the IEEE Haptics Symposium Conference 2024)

Khojasteh, B., Shao, Y., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 17(1):58-65, January 2024, Presented at the IEEE Haptics Symposium (article)

Sliding a tool across a surface generates rich sensations that can be analyzed to recognize what is being touched. However, the optimal configuration for capturing these signals is yet unclear. To bridge this gap, we consider haptic-auditory data as a human explores surfaces with different steel tools, including accelerations of the tool and finger, force and torque applied to the surface, and contact sounds. Our classification pipeline uses the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) to quantify differences in data distributions in a high-dimensional space for inference. With recordings from three hemispherical tool diameters and ten diverse surfaces, we conducted two degradation studies by decreasing sensing bandwidth and increasing added noise. We evaluate the haptic-auditory recognition performance achieved with the MMD to compare newly gathered data to each surface in our known library. The results indicate that acceleration signals alone have great potential for high-accuracy surface recognition and are robust against noise contamination. The optimal accelerometer bandwidth exceeds 1000 Hz, suggesting that useful vibrotactile information extends beyond human perception range. Finally, smaller tool tips generate contact vibrations with better noise robustness. The provided sensing guidelines may enable superhuman performance in portable surface recognition, which could benefit quality control, material documentation, and robotics.

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Towards Semi-Automated Pleural Cavity Access for Pneumothorax in Austere Environments

L’Orsa, R., Lama, S., Westwick, D., Sutherland, G., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Acta Astronautica, 212, pages: 48-53, November 2023 (article)

Astronauts are at risk for pneumothorax, a condition where injury or disease introduces air between the chest wall and the lungs (i.e., the pleural cavity). In a worst-case scenario, it can rapidly lead to a fatality if left unmanaged and will require prompt treatment in situ if developed during spaceflight. Chest tube insertion is the definitive treatment for pneumothorax, but it requires a high level of skill and frequent practice for safe use. Physician astronauts may struggle to maintain this skill on medium- and long-duration exploration-class missions, and it is inappropriate for pure just-in-time learning or skill refreshment paradigms. This paper proposes semi-automating tool insertion to reduce the risk of complications in austere environments and describes preliminary experiments providing initial validation of an intelligent prototype system. Specifically, we showcase and analyse motion and force recordings from a sensorized percutaneous access needle inserted repeatedly into an ex vivo tissue phantom, along with relevant physiological data simultaneously recorded from the operator. When coupled with minimal just-in-time training and/or augmented reality guidance, the proposed system may enable non-expert operators to safely perform emergency chest tube insertion without the use of ground resources.

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Gesture-Based Nonverbal Interaction for Exercise Robots

Mohan, M.

University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, October 2023, Department of Computer Science (phdthesis)

When teaching or coaching, humans augment their words with carefully timed hand gestures, head and body movements, and facial expressions to provide feedback to their students. Robots, however, rarely utilize these nuanced cues. A minimally supervised social robot equipped with these abilities could support people in exercising, physical therapy, and learning new activities. This thesis examines how the intuitive power of human gestures can be harnessed to enhance human-robot interaction. To address this question, this research explores gesture-based interactions to expand the capabilities of a socially assistive robotic exercise coach, investigating the perspectives of both novice users and exercise-therapy experts. This thesis begins by concentrating on the user's engagement with the robot, analyzing the feasibility of minimally supervised gesture-based interactions. This exploration seeks to establish a framework in which robots can interact with users in a more intuitive and responsive manner. The investigation then shifts its focus toward the professionals who are integral to the success of these innovative technologies: the exercise-therapy experts. Roboticists face the challenge of translating the knowledge of these experts into robotic interactions. We address this challenge by developing a teleoperation algorithm that can enable exercise therapists to create customized gesture-based interactions for a robot. Thus, this thesis lays the groundwork for dynamic gesture-based interactions in minimally supervised environments, with implications for not only exercise-coach robots but also broader applications in human-robot interaction.

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Upper Limb Position Matching After Stroke: Evidence for Bilateral Asymmetry in Precision but Not in Accuracy

Ballardini, G., Cherpin, A., Chua, K. S. G., Hussain, A., Kager, S., Xiang, L., Campolo, D., Casadio, M.

IEEE Access, 11, pages: 112851-112860, October 2023 (article)

Assessment and rehabilitation of the upper limb after stroke have focused primarily on the contralesional arm. However, increasing evidence highlights functional sensorimotor alterations also in the ipsilesional arm. This study aims to evaluate the position sense of both arms after stroke using a passive position matching task. We hypothesized that the ipsilesional arm would have higher accuracy and precision than the contralesional arm but lower than the dominant arm in unimpaired participants. Additionally, we hypothesized a correlation in performance between the two arms in stroke survivors. The study included 40 stroke survivors who performed the proprioceptive test with both arms and 24 unimpaired participants who performed it with their dominant arm. During each trial, a planar robot moved their hand to a target and back. In the Participants had to indicate when their hand reached the target position in the second phase. We evaluated performance by computing the matching accuracy and precision. We found that the ipsilesional arm had similar matching accuracy but higher precision than the contralesional arm. Furthermore, only the matching accuracy of the two arms was correlated in the left and central regions of the workspace. When comparing stroke survivors to unimpaired participants, the ipsilesional arm exhibited significantly lower accuracy, yet not different precision. These findings support the notion that the ipsilesional arm is not 'unaffected' by stroke but rather 'less-affected', suggesting that stroke does not impact ipsilesional position sense precision. Additionally, the results suggest a dissociation between accuracy and precision in passive multi-joint position matching tasks.

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The Certification Matters: A Comparative Performance Analysis of Combat Application Tourniquets versus Non-Certified CAT Look-Alike Tourniquets

Lagazzi, E., Ballardini, G., Drogo, A., Viola, L., Marrone, E., Valente, V., Bonetti, M., Lee, J., King, D. R., Ricci, S.

Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 38(4):450-455, August 2023 (article)

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Minsight: A Fingertip-Sized Vision-Based Tactile Sensor for Robotic Manipulation
Minsight: A Fingertip-Sized Vision-Based Tactile Sensor for Robotic Manipulation

Andrussow, I., Sun, H., Kuchenbecker, K. J., Martius, G.

Advanced Intelligent Systems, 5(8), August 2023, Inside back cover (article)

Intelligent interaction with the physical world requires perceptual abilities beyond vision and hearing; vibrant tactile sensing is essential for autonomous robots to dexterously manipulate unfamiliar objects or safely contact humans. Therefore, robotic manipulators need high-resolution touch sensors that are compact, robust, inexpensive, and efficient. The soft vision-based haptic sensor presented herein is a miniaturized and optimized version of the previously published sensor Insight. Minsight has the size and shape of a human fingertip and uses machine learning methods to output high-resolution maps of 3D contact force vectors at 60 Hz. Experiments confirm its excellent sensing performance, with a mean absolute force error of 0.07 N and contact location error of 0.6 mm across its surface area. Minsight's utility is shown in two robotic tasks on a 3-DoF manipulator. First, closed-loop force control enables the robot to track the movements of a human finger based only on tactile data. Second, the informative value of the sensor output is shown by detecting whether a hard lump is embedded within a soft elastomer with an accuracy of 98%. These findings indicate that Minsight can give robots the detailed fingertip touch sensing needed for dexterous manipulation and physical human–robot interaction.

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Learning to Estimate Palpation Forces in Robotic Surgery From Visual-Inertial Data
Learning to Estimate Palpation Forces in Robotic Surgery From Visual-Inertial Data

Lee, Y., Husin, H. M., Forte, M., Lee, S., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, 5(3):496-506, August 2023 (article)

Surgeons cannot directly touch the patient's tissue in robot-assisted minimally invasive procedures. Instead, they must palpate using instruments inserted into the body through trocars. This way of operating largely prevents surgeons from using haptic cues to localize visually undetectable structures such as tumors and blood vessels, motivating research on direct and indirect force sensing. We propose an indirect force-sensing method that combines monocular images of the operating field with measurements from IMUs attached externally to the instrument shafts. Our method is thus suitable for various robotic surgery systems as well as laparoscopic surgery. We collected a new dataset using a da Vinci Si robot, a force sensor, and four different phantom tissue samples. The dataset includes 230 one-minute-long recordings of repeated bimanual palpation tasks performed by four lay operators. We evaluated several network architectures and investigated the role of the network inputs. Using the DenseNet vision model and including inertial data best-predicted palpation forces (lowest average root-mean-square error and highest average coefficient of determination). Ablation studies revealed that video frames carry significantly more information than inertial signals. Finally, we demonstrated the model's ability to generalize to unseen tissue and predict shear contact forces.

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In the Arms of a Robot: Designing Autonomous Hugging Robots with Intra-Hug Gestures
In the Arms of a Robot: Designing Autonomous Hugging Robots with Intra-Hug Gestures

Block, A. E., Seifi, H., Hilliges, O., Gassert, R., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, 12(2):1-49, June 2023, Special Issue on Designing the Robot Body: Critical Perspectives on Affective Embodied Interaction (article)

Hugs are complex affective interactions that often include gestures like squeezes. We present six new guidelines for designing interactive hugging robots, which we validate through two studies with our custom robot. To achieve autonomy, we investigated robot responses to four human intra-hug gestures: holding, rubbing, patting, and squeezing. Thirty-two users each exchanged and rated sixteen hugs with an experimenter-controlled HuggieBot 2.0. The robot's inflated torso's microphone and pressure sensor collected data of the subjects' demonstrations that were used to develop a perceptual algorithm that classifies user actions with 88% accuracy. Users enjoyed robot squeezes, regardless of their performed action, they valued variety in the robot response, and they appreciated robot-initiated intra-hug gestures. From average user ratings, we created a probabilistic behavior algorithm that chooses robot responses in real time. We implemented improvements to the robot platform to create HuggieBot 3.0 and then validated its gesture perception system and behavior algorithm with sixteen users. The robot's responses and proactive gestures were greatly enjoyed. Users found the robot more natural, enjoyable, and intelligent in the last phase of the experiment than in the first. After the study, they felt more understood by the robot and thought robots were nicer to hug.

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Generating Clear Vibrotactile Cues with a Magnet Embedded in a Soft Finger Sheath
Generating Clear Vibrotactile Cues with a Magnet Embedded in a Soft Finger Sheath

Gertler, I., Serhat, G., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Soft Robotics, 10(3):624-635, June 2023 (article)

Haptic displays act on the user's body to stimulate the sense of touch and enrich applications from gaming and computer-aided design to rehabilitation and remote surgery. However, when crafted from typical rigid robotic components, they tend to be heavy, bulky, and expensive, while sleeker designs often struggle to create clear haptic cues. This article introduces a lightweight wearable silicone finger sheath that can deliver salient and rich vibrotactile cues using electromagnetic actuation. We fabricate the sheath on a ferromagnetic mandrel with a process based on dip molding, a robust fabrication method that is rarely used in soft robotics but is suitable for commercial production. A miniature rare-earth magnet embedded within the silicone layers at the center of the finger pad is driven to vibrate by the application of alternating current to a nearby air-coil. Experiments are conducted to determine the amplitude of the magnetic force and the frequency response function for the displacement amplitude of the magnet perpendicular to the skin. In addition, high-fidelity finite element analyses of the finger wearing the device are performed to investigate the trends observed in the measurements. The experimental and simulated results show consistent dynamic behavior from 10 to 1000 Hz, with the displacement decreasing after about 300 Hz. These results match the detection threshold profile obtained in a psychophysical study performed by 17 users, where more current was needed only at the highest frequency. A cue identification experiment and a demonstration in virtual reality validate the feasibility of this approach to fingertip haptics.

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Haptify: A Measurement-Based Benchmarking System for Grounded Force-Feedback Devices
Haptify: A Measurement-Based Benchmarking System for Grounded Force-Feedback Devices

Fazlollahi, F., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 39(2):1622-1636, April 2023 (article)

Grounded force-feedback (GFF) devices are an established and diverse class of haptic technology based on robotic arms. However, the number of designs and how they are specified make comparing devices difficult. We thus present Haptify, a benchmarking system that can thoroughly, fairly, and noninvasively evaluate GFF haptic devices. The user holds the instrumented device end-effector and moves it through a series of passive and active experiments. Haptify records the interaction between the hand, device, and ground with a seven-camera optical motion-capture system, a 60-cm-square custom force plate, and a customized sensing end-effector. We demonstrate six key ways to assess GFF device performance: workspace shape, global free-space forces, global free-space vibrations, local dynamic forces and torques, frictionless surface rendering, and stiffness rendering. We then use Haptify to benchmark two commercial haptic devices. With a smaller workspace than the 3D Systems Touch, the more expensive Touch X outputs smaller free-space forces and vibrations, smaller and more predictable dynamic forces and torques, and higher-quality renderings of a frictionless surface and high stiffness.

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Effects of Automated Skill Assessment on Robotic Surgery Training

Brown, J. D., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 19(2):e2492, April 2023 (article)

Background: Several automated skill-assessment approaches have been proposed for robotic surgery, but their utility is not well understood. This article investigates the effects of one machine-learning-based skill-assessment approach on psychomotor skill development in robotic surgery training. Methods: N=29 trainees (medical students and residents) with no robotic surgery experience performed five trials of inanimate peg transfer with an Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Standard robot. Half of the participants received no post-trial feedback. The other half received automatically calculated scores from five Global Evaluative Assessment of Robotic Skill (GEARS) domains post-trial. Results: There were no significant differences between the groups regarding overall improvement or skill improvement rate. However, participants who received post-trial feedback rated their overall performance improvement significantly lower than participants who did not receive feedback. Conclusions: These findings indicate that automated skill evaluation systems might improve trainee selfawareness but not accelerate early-stage psychomotor skill development in robotic surgery training.

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ForageFeeder: A Low-Cost Open Source Feeder for Randomly Distributed Food
ForageFeeder: A Low-Cost Open Source Feeder for Randomly Distributed Food

Jadali, N., Zhang, M. J., Schulz, A. K., Meyerchick, J., Hu, D. L.

HardwareX, 14(e00405):1-17, March 2023 (article)

Automated feeders have long fed mice, livestock, and poultry, but are incapable of feeding zoo animals such as gorillas. In captivity, gorillas eat cut vegetables and fruits in pieces too large to be dispensed by automated feeders. Consequently, captive gorillas are fed manually at set times and locations, keeping them from the exercise and enrichment that accompanies natural foraging. We designed and built ForageFeeder, an automated gorilla feeder that spreads food at random intervals throughout the day. ForageFeeder is an open source and easy to manufacture and modify device, making the feeder more accessible for zoos. The design presented here reduces manual labor for zoo staff and may be a useful tool for studies of animal ethology.

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The S-BAN: Insights into the Perception of Shape-Changing Haptic Interfaces via Virtual Pedestrian Navigation

Spiers, A. J., Young, E., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 30(1):1-31, March 2023 (article)

Screen-based pedestrian navigation assistance can be distracting or inaccessible to users. Shape-changing haptic interfaces can overcome these concerns. The S-BAN is a new handheld haptic interface that utilizes a parallel kinematic structure to deliver 2-DOF spatial information over a continuous workspace, with a form factor suited to integration with other travel aids. The ability to pivot, extend and retract its body opens possibilities and questions around spatial data representation. We present a static study to understand user perception of absolute pose and relative motion for two spatial mappings, showing highest sensitivity to relative motions in the cardinal directions. We then present an embodied navigation experiment in virtual reality. User motion efficiency when guided by the S-BAN was statistically equivalent to using a vision-based tool (a smartphone proxy). Although haptic trials were slower than visual trials, participants' heads were more elevated with the S-BAN, allowing greater visual focus on the environment.

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Elephant trunks use an adaptable prehensile grip
Elephant trunks use an adaptable prehensile grip

Schulz, A., Reidenberg, J., Wu, J. N., Tang, C. Y., Seleb, B., Mancebo, J., Elgart, N., Hu, D.

Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 18(2), February 2023 (article)

Elephants have long been observed to grip objects with their trunk, but little is known about how they adjust their strategy for different weights. In this study, we challenge a female African elephant at Zoo Atlanta to lift 20–60 kg barbell weights with only its trunk. We measure the trunk’s shape and wrinkle geometry from a frozen elephant trunk at the Smithsonian. We observe several strategies employed to accommodate heavier weights, including accelerating less, orienting the trunk vertically, and wrapping the barbell with a greater trunk length. Mathematical models show that increasing barbell weights are associated with constant trunk tensile force and an increasing barbell-wrapping surface area due to the trunk’s wrinkles. Our findings may inspire the design of more adaptable soft robotic grippers that can improve grip using surface morphology such as wrinkles.

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Drying dynamics of pellet feces
Drying dynamics of pellet feces

Magondu, B., Lee, A., Schulz, A., Buchelli, G., Meng, M., Kaminski, C., Yang, P., Carver, S., Hu, D.

Soft Matter, 19, pages: 723-732, January 2023 (article)

Pellet feces are generated by a number of animals important to science or agriculture, including mice, rats, goats, and wombats. Understanding the factors that lead to fecal shape may provide a better understanding of animal health and diet. In this combined experimental and theoretical study, we test the hypothesis that pellet feces are formed by drying processes in the intestine. Inspirational to our work is the formation of hexagonal columnar jointings in cooling lava beds, in which the width L of the hexagon scales as L ∼ J−1 where J is the heat flux from the bed. Across 22 species of mammals, we report a transition from cylindrical to pellet feces if fecal water content drops below 0.65. Using a mathematical model that accounts for water intake rate and intestinal dimensions, we show pellet feces length L scales as L ∼ J−2.08 where J is the flux of water absorbed by the intestines. We build a mimic of the mammalian intestine using a corn starch cake drying in an open trough, finding that corn starch pellet length scales with water flux−0.46. The range of exponents does not permit us to conclude that formation of columnar jointings is similar to the formation of pellet feces. Nevertheless, the methods and physical picture shown here may be of use to physicians and veterinarians interested in using feces length as a marker of intestinal health.

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The Utility of Synthetic Reflexes and Haptic Feedback for Upper-Limb Prostheses in a Dexterous Task Without Direct Vision
The Utility of Synthetic Reflexes and Haptic Feedback for Upper-Limb Prostheses in a Dexterous Task Without Direct Vision

Thomas, N., Fazlollahi, F., Kuchenbecker, K. J., Brown, J. D.

IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 31, pages: 169-179, January 2023 (article)

Individuals who use myoelectric upper-limb prostheses often rely heavily on vision to complete their daily activities. They thus struggle in situations where vision is overloaded, such as multitasking, or unavailable, such as poor lighting conditions. Able-bodied individuals can easily accomplish such tasks due to tactile reflexes and haptic sensation guiding their upper-limb motor coordination. Based on these principles, we developed and tested two novel prosthesis systems that incorporate autonomous controllers and provide the user with touch-location feedback through either vibration or distributed pressure. These capabilities were made possible by installing a custom contact-location sensor on the fingers of a commercial prosthetic hand, along with a custom pressure sensor on the thumb. We compared the performance of the two systems against a standard myoelectric prosthesis and a myoelectric prosthesis with only autonomous controllers in a difficult reach-to-pick-and-place task conducted without direct vision. Results from 40 able-bodied participants in this between-subjects study indicated that vibrotactile feedback combined with synthetic reflexes proved significantly more advantageous than the standard prosthesis in several of the task milestones. In addition, vibrotactile feedback and synthetic reflexes improved grasp placement compared to only synthetic reflexes or pressure feedback combined with synthetic reflexes. These results indicate that autonomous controllers and haptic feedback together facilitate success in dexterous tasks without vision, and that the type of haptic display matters.

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Predicting the Force Map of an {ERT}-Based Tactile Sensor Using Simulation and Deep Networks
Predicting the Force Map of an ERT-Based Tactile Sensor Using Simulation and Deep Networks

Lee, H., Sun, H., Park, H., Serhat, G., Javot, B., Martius, G., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 20(1):425-439, January 2023 (article)

Electrical resistance tomography (ERT) can be used to create large-scale soft tactile sensors that are flexible and robust. Good performance requires a fast and accurate mapping from the sensor's sequential voltage measurements to the distribution of force across its surface. However, particularly with multiple contacts, this task is challenging for both previously developed approaches: physics-based modeling and end-to-end data-driven learning. Some promising results were recently achieved using sim-to-real transfer learning, but estimating multiple contact locations and accurate contact forces remains difficult because simulations tend to be less accurate with a high number of contact locations and/or high force. This paper introduces a modular hybrid method that combines simulation data synthesized from an electromechanical finite element model with real measurements collected from a new ERT-based tactile sensor. We use about 290,000 simulated and 90,000 real measurements to train two deep neural networks: the first (Transfer-Net) captures the inevitable gap between simulation and reality, and the second (Recon-Net) reconstructs contact forces from voltage measurements. The number of contacts, contact locations, force magnitudes, and contact diameters are evaluated for a manually collected multi-contact dataset of 150 measurements. Our modular pipeline's results outperform predictions by both a physics-based model and end-to-end learning.

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Bioinspired Robots Can Foster Nature Conservation
Bioinspired Robots Can Foster Nature Conservation

Chellapurath, M., Khandelwal, P., Schulz, A. K.

Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 10, 2023 (article) Accepted

We live in a time of unprecedented scientific and human progress while being increasingly aware of its negative impacts on our planet's health. Aerial, terrestrial, and aquatic ecosystems have significantly declined putting us on course to a sixth mass extinction event. Nonetheless, the advances made in science, engineering, and technology have given us the opportunity to reverse some of our ecosystem damage and preserve them through conservation efforts around the world. However, current conservation efforts are primarily human led with assistance from conventional robotic systems which limit their scope and effectiveness, along with negatively impacting the surroundings. In this perspective, we present the field of bioinspired robotics to develop versatile agents for future conservation efforts that can operate in the natural environment while minimizing the disturbance/impact to its inhabitants and the environment's natural state. We provide an operational and environmental framework that should be considered while developing bioinspired robots for conservation. These considerations go beyond addressing the challenges of human-led conservation efforts and leverage the advancements in the field of materials, intelligence, and energy harvesting, to make bioinspired robots move and sense like animals. In doing so, it makes bioinspired robots an attractive, non-invasive, sustainable, and effective conservation tool for exploration, data collection, intervention, and maintenance. Finally, we discuss the development of bioinspired robots in the context of collaboration, practicality, and applicability that would ensure their further development and widespread use to protect and preserve our natural world.



Conservation Tools: The Next Generation of Engineering--Biology Collaborations
Conservation Tools: The Next Generation of Engineering–Biology Collaborations

Schulz, A., Shriver, C., Stathatos, S., Seleb, B., Weigel, E., Chang, Y., Bhamla, M. S., Hu, D., III, J. R. M.

Royal Society Interface, 2023, Andrew Schulz, Cassie Shriver, Suzanne Stathatos, and Benjamin Seleb are co-first authors. (article)

The recent increase in public and academic interest in preserving biodiversity has led to the growth of the field of conservation technology. This field involves designing and constructing tools that utilize technology to aid in wildlife conservation. In this review, we present five case studies and infer a framework for designing conservation tools based on human-wildlife interaction. Successful conservation tools range in complexity from cat collars to machine learning and game theory methodologies and do not require technological expertise to contribute to conservation tool creation. We aim to introduce researchers to conservation technology and provide references for guiding the next generation of conservation technologists. Conservation technology has the potential to benefit biodiversity and have broader impacts on fields such as sustainability and environmental protection. By using innovative technologies to address conservation challenges, we can find more effective and efficient solutions to protect and preserve our planet's resources.

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A Year at the Forefront of Hydrostat Motion
A Year at the Forefront of Hydrostat Motion

Schulz, A., Schneider, N., Zhang, M., Singal, K.

Biology Open, 2023, N. Schneider, M. Zhang, and K. Singal all contributed equally on this manuscript. (article)

Currently, in the field of interdisciplinary work in biology, there has been a significant push by the soft robotic community to understand the motion and maneuverability of hydrostats. This review seeks to expand the muscular hydrostat hypothesis toward new structures, including plants, and introduce innovative techniques to the hydrostat community on new modeling, simulating, mimicking, and observing hydrostat motion methods. These methods range from ideas of kirigami, origami, and knitting for mimic creation to utilizing reinforcement learning for control of bio-inspired soft robotic systems. It is now being understood through modeling that different mechanisms can inhibit traditional hydrostat motion, such as skin, nostrils, or sheathed layered muscle walls. The impact of this review will highlight these mechanisms, including asymmetries, and discuss the critical next steps toward understanding their motion and how species with hydrostat structures control such complex motions, highlighting work from January 2022 to December 2022.

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Multi-Timescale Representation Learning of Human and Robot Haptic Interactions

Richardson, B.

University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, December 2022, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (phdthesis)

The sense of touch is one of the most crucial components of the human sensory system. It allows us to safely and intelligently interact with the physical objects and environment around us. By simply touching or dexterously manipulating an object, we can quickly infer a multitude of its properties. For more than fifty years, researchers have studied how humans physically explore and form perceptual representations of objects. Some of these works proposed the paradigm through which human haptic exploration is presently understood: humans use a particular set of exploratory procedures to elicit specific semantic attributes from objects. Others have sought to understand how physically measured object properties correspond to human perception of semantic attributes. Few, however, have investigated how specific explorations are perceived. As robots become increasingly advanced and more ubiquitous in daily life, they are beginning to be equipped with haptic sensing capabilities and algorithms for processing and structuring haptic information. Traditional haptics research has so far strongly influenced the introduction of haptic sensation and perception into robots but has not proven sufficient to give robots the necessary tools to become intelligent autonomous agents. The work presented in this thesis seeks to understand how single and sequential haptic interactions are perceived by both humans and robots. In our first study, we depart from the more traditional methods of studying human haptic perception and investigate how the physical sensations felt during single explorations are perceived by individual people. We treat interactions as probability distributions over a haptic feature space and train a model to predict how similarly a pair of surfaces is rated, predicting perceived similarity with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Our novel method also allows us to evaluate how individual people weigh different surface properties when they make perceptual judgments. The method is highly versatile and presents many opportunities for further studies into how humans form perceptual representations of specific explorations. Our next body of work explores how to improve robotic haptic perception of single interactions. We use unsupervised feature-learning methods to derive powerful features from raw robot sensor data and classify robot explorations into numerous haptic semantic property labels that were assigned from human ratings. Additionally, we provide robots with more nuanced perception by learning to predict graded ratings of a subset of properties. Our methods outperform previous attempts that all used hand-crafted features, demonstrating the limitations of such traditional approaches. To push robot haptic perception beyond evaluation of single explorations, our final work introduces and evaluates a method to give robots the ability to accumulate information over many sequential actions; our approach essentially takes advantage of object permanence by conditionally and recursively updating the representation of an object as it is sequentially explored. We implement our method on a robotic gripper platform that performs multiple exploratory procedures on each of many objects. As the robot explores objects with new procedures, it gains confidence in its internal representations and classification of object properties, thus moving closer to the marvelous haptic capabilities of humans and providing a solid foundation for future research in this domain.

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A Guide for Successful Research Collaborations between Zoos and Universities
A Guide for Successful Research Collaborations between Zoos and Universities

Schulz, A., Shriver, C., Aubuchon, C., Weigel, E., Kolar, M., III, J. M., Hu, D.

Integrative and Comparitive Biology, 62, pages: 1174-1185, November 2022 (article)

Zoos offer university researchers unique opportunities to study animals that would be difficult or impractical to work with in the wild. However, the different cultures, goals, and priorities of zoos and universities can be a source of conflict. How can researchers build mutually beneficial collaborations with their local zoo? In this article, we present the results of a survey of 117 personnel from 59 zoos around the United States, where we highlight best practices spanning all phases of collaboration, from planning to working alongside the zoo and maintaining contact afterward. Collaborations were hindered if university personnel did not appreciate the zoo staff’s time constraints as well as the differences between zoo animals and laboratory animals. We include a vision for how to improve zoo collaborations, along with a history of our own decade-long collaborations with Zoo Atlanta. A central theme is the long-term establishment of trust between institutions.

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Understanding the Influence of Moisture on Fingerpad-Surface Interactions

Nam, S.

University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, October 2022, Department of Computer Science (phdthesis)

People frequently touch objects with their fingers. The physical deformation of a finger pressing an object surface stimulates mechanoreceptors, resulting in a perceptual experience. Through interactions between perceptual sensations and motor control, humans naturally acquire the ability to manage friction under various contact conditions. Many researchers have advanced our understanding of human fingers to this point, but their complex structure and the variations in friction they experience due to continuously changing contact conditions necessitate additional study. Moisture is a primary factor that influences many aspects of the finger. In particular, sweat excreted from the numerous sweat pores on the fingerprints modifies the finger's material properties and the contact conditions between the finger and a surface. Measuring changes of the finger's moisture over time and in response to external stimuli presents a challenge for researchers, as commercial moisture sensors do not provide continuous measurements. This dissertation investigates the influence of moisture on fingerpad-surface interactions from diverse perspectives. First, we examine the extent to which moisture on the finger contributes to the sensation of stickiness during contact with glass. Second, we investigate the representative material properties of a finger at three distinct moisture levels, since the softness of human skin varies significantly with moisture. The third perspective is friction; we examine how the contact conditions, including the moisture of a finger, determine the available friction force opposing lateral sliding on glass. Fourth, we have invented and prototyped a transparent in vivo moisture sensor for the continuous measurement of finger hydration. In the first part of this dissertation, we explore how the perceptual intensity of light stickiness relates to the physical interaction between the skin and the surface. We conducted a psychophysical experiment in which nine participants actively pressed their index finger on a flat glass plate with a normal force close to 1.5 N and then detached it after a few seconds. A custom-designed apparatus recorded the contact force vector and the finger contact area during each interaction as well as pre- and post-trial finger moisture. After detaching their finger, participants judged the stickiness of the glass using a nine-point scale. We explored how sixteen physical variables derived from the recorded data correlate with each other and with the stickiness judgments of each participant. These analyses indicate that stickiness perception mainly depends on the pre-detachment pressing duration, the time taken for the finger to detach, and the impulse in the normal direction after the normal force changes sign; finger-surface adhesion seems to build with pressing time, causing a larger normal impulse during detachment and thus a more intense stickiness sensation. We additionally found a strong between-subjects correlation between maximum real contact area and peak pull-off force, as well as between finger moisture and impulse. When a fingerpad presses into a hard surface, the development of the contact area depends on the pressing force and speed. Importantly, it also varies with the finger's moisture, presumably because hydration changes the tissue's material properties. Therefore, for the second part of this dissertation, we collected data from one finger repeatedly pressing a glass plate under three moisture conditions, and we constructed a finite element model that we optimized to simulate the same three scenarios. We controlled the moisture of the subject's finger to be dry, natural, or moist and recorded 15 pressing trials in each condition. The measurements include normal force over time plus finger-contact images that are processed to yield gross contact area. We defined the axially symmetric 3D model's lumped parameters to include an SLS-Kelvin model (spring in series with parallel spring and damper) for the bulk tissue, plus an elastic epidermal layer. Particle swarm optimization was used to find the parameter values that cause the simulation to best match the trials recorded in each moisture condition. The results show that the softness of the bulk tissue reduces as the finger becomes more hydrated. The epidermis of the moist finger model is softest, while the natural finger model has the highest viscosity. In the third part of this dissertation, we focused on friction between the fingerpad and the surface. The magnitude of finger-surface friction available at the onset of full slip is crucial for understanding how the human hand can grip and manipulate objects. Related studies revealed the significance of moisture and contact time in enhancing friction. Recent research additionally indicated that surface temperature may also affect friction. However, previously reported friction coefficients have been measured only in dynamic contact conditions, where the finger is already sliding across the surface. In this study, we repeatedly measured the initial friction before full slip under eight contact conditions with low and high finger moisture, pressing time, and surface temperature. Moisture and pressing time both independently increased finger-surface friction across our population of twelve participants, and the effect of surface temperature depended on the contact conditions. Furthermore, detailed analysis of the recorded measurements indicates that micro stick-slip during the partial-slip phase contributes to enhanced friction. For the fourth and final part of this dissertation, we designed a transparent moisture sensor for continuous measurement of fingerpad hydration. Because various stimuli cause the sweat pores on fingerprints to excrete sweat, many researchers want to quantify the flow and assess its impact on the formation of the contact area. Unfortunately, the most popular sensor for skin hydration is opaque and does not offer continuous measurements. Our capacitive moisture sensor consists of a pair of inter-digital electrodes covered by an insulating layer, enabling impedance measurements across a wide frequency range. This proposed sensor is made entirely of transparent materials, which allows us to simultaneously measure the finger's contact area. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy identifies the equivalent electrical circuit and the electrical component parameters that are affected by the amount of moisture present on the surface of the sensor. Most notably, the impedance at 1 kHz seems to best reflect the relative amount of sweat.

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A New Power Law Linking the Speed to the Geometry of Tool-Tip Orientation in Teleoperation of a Robot-Assisted Surgical System

Zruya, O., Sharon, Y., Kossowsky, H., Forni, F., Geftler, A., Nisky, I.

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(4):10762-10769, October 2022 (article)

Fine manipulation is important in dexterous tasks executed via teleoperation, including in robot-assisted surgery. Discovering fundamental laws of human movement can benefit the design and control of teleoperated systems, and the training of their users. These laws are formulated as motor invariants, such as the well-studied speed-curvature power law. However, while the majority of these laws characterize translational movements, fine manipulation requires controlling the orientation of objects as well. This subject has received little attention in human motor control studies. Here, we report a new power law linking the speed to the geometry in orientation control – humans rotate their hands with an angular speed that is exponentially related to the local change in the direction of rotation. We demonstrate this law in teleoperated tasks performed by surgeons using surgical robotics research platforms. Additionally, we show that the law's parameters change slowly with the surgeons' training, and are robust within participants across task segments and repetitions. The fact that this power law is a robust motor invariant suggests that it may be an outcome of sensorimotor control. It also opens questions about the nature of this control and how it can be harnessed for better control of human-teleoperated robotic systems.

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Learning to Feel Textures: Predicting Perceptual Similarities from Unconstrained Finger-Surface Interactions

Richardson, B. A., Vardar, Y., Wallraven, C., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 15(4):705-717, October 2022, Benjamin A. Richardson and Yasemin Vardar contributed equally to this publication. (article)

Whenever we touch a surface with our fingers, we perceive distinct tactile properties that are based on the underlying dynamics of the interaction. However, little is known about how the brain aggregates the sensory information from these dynamics to form abstract representations of textures. Earlier studies in surface perception all used general surface descriptors measured in controlled conditions instead of considering the unique dynamics of specific interactions, reducing the comprehensiveness and interpretability of the results. Here, we present an interpretable modeling method that predicts the perceptual similarity of surfaces by comparing probability distributions of features calculated from short time windows of specific physical signals (finger motion, contact force, fingernail acceleration) elicited during unconstrained finger-surface interactions. The results show that our method can predict the similarity judgments of individual participants with a maximum Spearman's correlation of 0.7. Furthermore, we found evidence that different participants weight interaction features differently when judging surface similarity. Our findings provide new perspectives on human texture perception during active touch, and our approach could benefit haptic surface assessment, robotic tactile perception, and haptic rendering.

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Skin wrinkles and folds enable asymmetric stretch in the elephant trunk
Skin wrinkles and folds enable asymmetric stretch in the elephant trunk

Schulz, A., Boyle, M., Boyle, C., Sordilla, S., Rincon, C., Hooper, S., Aubuchon, C., Reidenberg, J., Higgins, C., Hu, D.

Proceedings of the National Academices of Science , 119, August 2022 (article)

The elephant’s trunk is multifunctional: It must be flexible to wrap around vegetation, but tough to knock down trees and resist attack. How can one appendage satisfy both constraints? In this combined experimental and theoretical study, we challenged African elephants to reach far-away objects with only horizontal extensions of their trunk. Surprisingly, the trunk does not extend uniformly, but instead exhibits a dorsal “joint” that stretches 15% more than the corresponding ventral section. Using material testing with the skin of a deceased elephant, we show that the asymmetry is due in part to patterns of the skin. The dorsal skin is folded and 15% more pliable than the wrinkled ventral skin. Skin folds protect the dorsal section and stretch to facilitate downward wrapping, the most common gripping style when picking up items. The elephant’s skin is also sufficiently stiff to influence its mechanics: At the joint, the skin requires 13 times more energy to stretch than the corresponding length of muscle. The use of wrinkles and folds to modulate stiffness may provide a valuable concept for both biology and soft robotics.

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Maximizing buckling load of elliptical composite cylinders using lamination parameters

Guo, Y., Serhat, G., Pérez, M. G., Knippers, J.

Engineering Structures, 262, pages: 114342, July 2022 (article)

Structural members made of fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) attract increasing attention in the development of novel architectural systems that challenge the standard design methodologies. Cylindrical surfaces constitute one of the typical geometric sets obtained with the FRP component fabrication. This paper explores the influences of two geometric parameters on the buckling performance of elliptical cylinders: inverse slenderness (ratio of minimum diameter to height) and eccentricity (ratio of radii along semi-axes). The overall stiffness properties are defined using lamination parameters. This analysis method eliminates the dependency of optimal solutions on the initial assumptions regarding the laminate configuration, which needs to be explicitly described in multi-layer modeling. Finite element analyses are utilized to compute buckling loads of the cylinders under axial compression force and bi-axial bending moments. The optimal lamination parameters and buckling stresses are determined for various parameters, and the lamination parameters corresponding to the optimal and simple [±45°] angle-ply design points are presented in the lamination parameter plane via Miki's diagram. The results reveal the level of performance that can be achieved by a specific geometry and provide guidelines for the optimal design of elliptical laminated cylinders against buckling.

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The Scaling of Olfaction: Moths have Relatively More Olfactory Surface Area than Mammals

Mohebbi, N., Schulz, A., Spencer, T., Pos, K., Mandel, A., Casas, J., Hu, D.

Integrative and Comparitive Biology, 62(1), July 2022, Nina Mohebbi and Andrew Schulz contributed equally. (article)

Body size affects nearly every aspect of locomotion and sensing, but little is known of its influence on olfaction. One reason for this missing link is that olfaction differs fundamentally from vision and hearing in that molecules are advected by fluid before depositing on olfactory sensors. This critical role of fluid flow in olfaction leads to complexities and trade-offs. For example, a greater density of hairs and sensory neurons may lead to greater collection, but can also lead to reduced flow through hairs and additional weight and drag due to a larger olfactory organ. In this study, we report the surface area and sensory neuron density in olfactory organs of 95 species of moths and mammals. We find that approximately 12–14% of an olfactory system’s surface area is devoted to chemosensors. Furthermore, total olfactory surface area and olfactory sensing surface area scale with body mass to the 0.49 and 0.38 powers, respectively, indicating that moths have a higher proportion of olfactory surface area than mammals. The density of olfactory neurons appears to be near the limit, at 10,000 to 100,000 neurons per square mm across both insects and mammals. This study demonstrates the need for future work detailing how the scaling of olfaction and other senses vary across taxa.

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Contact Evolution of Dry and Hydrated Fingertips at Initial Touch

Serhat, G., Vardar, Y., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

PLOS ONE, 17(7):e0269722, July 2022, Gokhan Serhat and Yasemin Vardar contributed equally to this publication. (article)

Pressing the fingertips into surfaces causes skin deformations that enable humans to grip objects and sense their physical properties. This process involves intricate finger geometry, non-uniform tissue properties, and moisture, complicating the underlying contact mechanics. Here we explore the initial contact evolution of dry and hydrated fingers to isolate the roles of governing physical factors. Two participants gradually pressed an index finger on a glass surface under three moisture conditions: dry, water-hydrated, and glycerin-hydrated. Gross and real contact area were optically measured over time, revealing that glycerin hydration produced strikingly higher real contact area, while gross contact area was similar for all conditions. To elucidate the causes for this phenomenon, we investigated the combined effects of tissue elasticity, skin-surface friction, and fingerprint ridges on contact area using simulation. Our analyses show the dominant influence of elastic modulus over friction and an unusual contact phenomenon, which we call friction-induced hinging.

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Perceptual Space of Algorithms for Three-to-One Dimensional Reduction of Realistic Vibrations
Perceptual Space of Algorithms for Three-to-One Dimensional Reduction of Realistic Vibrations

Lee, H., Tombak, G. I., Park, G., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 15(3):521-534, July 2022 (article)

Haptics researchers often endeavor to deliver realistic vibrotactile feedback through broad-bandwidth actuators; however, these actuators typically generate only single-axis vibrations, not 3D vibrations like those that occur in natural tool-mediated interactions. Several three-to-one (321) dimensional reduction algorithms have thus been developed to combine 3D vibrations into 1D vibrations. Surprisingly, the perceptual quality of 321-converted vibrations has never been comprehensively compared to rendering of the original 3D signals. In this study, we develop a multi-dimensional vibration rendering system using a magnetic levitation haptic interface. We verify the system's ability to generate realistic 3D vibrations recorded in both tapping and dragging interactions with four surfaces. We then conduct a study with 15 participants to measure the perceived dissimilarities between five 321 algorithms (SAZ, SUM, VM, DFT, PCA) and the original recordings. The resulting perceptual space is investigated with multiple regression and Procrustes analysis to unveil the relationship between the physical and perceptual properties of 321-converted vibrations. Surprisingly, we found that participants perceptually discriminated the original 3D vibrations from all tested 1D versions. Overall, our results indicate that spectral, temporal, and directional attributes may all contribute to the perceived similarities of vibration signals.

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Multi-objective optimization of composite sandwich panels using lamination parameters and spectral Chebyshev method

Seyyedrahmani, F., Shahabad, P. K., Serhat, G., Bediz, B., Basdogan, I.

Composite Structures, 289(115417), June 2022 (article)

Composite materials are widely used in various industries because of their distinct properties. Hybridization is an efficient way of designing composite panels to decrease the cost and/or weight while maintaining stiffness properties. In this study, an accurate and efficient framework is developed to optimize laminated sandwich panels composed of high-stiffness face sheets and low-stiffness core. The stiffness properties of face sheets and core are represented using lamination parameters. The governing equations are derived following first-order shear deformation theory and solved using the spectral Chebyshev approach. In multi-objective optimization problems, genetic algorithm is used to determine Pareto-optimal solutions for fundamental frequency, frequency gap, buckling load, and cost metrics. In these analyses, optimal lamination parameters and thickness are found for face-sheets and core of sandwich panels, and the results are presented as 2D and 3D Pareto-optimal design points. When the individual performance metrics lead to different optimum points, a scattering behavior is observed in the 3D Pareto sets whose boundaries are defined by the 2-objective Pareto fronts. The results provide insights into the design requirements for improving the dynamic and load-carrying behavior of sandwich laminates while minimizing the cost that presents the usability of the presented approach in the multi-objective optimization.

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Normal and Tangential Forces Combine to Convey Contact Pressure During Dynamic Tactile Stimulation
Normal and Tangential Forces Combine to Convey Contact Pressure During Dynamic Tactile Stimulation

Gueorguiev, D., Lambert, J., Thonnard, J., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Scientific Reports, 12, pages: 8215, May 2022 (article)

Humans need to accurately process the contact forces that arise as they perform everyday haptic interactions such as sliding the fingers along a surface to feel for bumps, sticky regions, or other irregularities. Several different mechanisms are possible for how the forces on the skin could be represented and integrated in such interactions. In this study, we used a force-controlled robotic platform and simultaneous ultrasonic modulation of the finger-surface friction to independently manipulate the normal and tangential forces during passive haptic stimulation by a flat surface. To assess whether the contact pressure on their finger had briefly increased or decreased during individual trials in this broad stimulus set, participants did not rely solely on either the normal force or the tangential force. Instead, they integrated tactile cues induced by both components. Support-vector-machine analysis classified physical trial data with up to 75% accuracy and suggested a linear perceptual mechanism. In addition, the change in the amplitude of the force vector predicted participants' responses better than the change of the coefficient of dynamic friction, suggesting that intensive tactile cues are meaningful in this task. These results provide novel insights about how normal and tangential forces shape the perception of tactile contact.

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Predicting Knee Adduction Moment Response to Gait Retraining with Minimal Clinical Data

Rokhmanova, N., Kuchenbecker, K. J., Shull, P. B., Ferber, R., Halilaj, E.

PLOS Computational Biology, 18(5):e1009500, May 2022 (article)

Knee osteoarthritis is a progressive disease mediated by high joint loads. Foot progression angle modifications that reduce the knee adduction moment (KAM), a surrogate of knee loading, have demonstrated efficacy in alleviating pain and improving function. Although changes to the foot progression angle are overall beneficial, KAM reductions are not consistent across patients. Moreover, customized interventions are time-consuming and require instrumentation not commonly available in the clinic. We present a regression model that uses minimal clinical data-a set of six features easily obtained in the clinic-to predict the extent of first peak KAM reduction after toe-in gait retraining. For such a model to generalize, the training data must be large and variable. Given the lack of large public datasets that contain different gaits for the same patient, we generated this dataset synthetically. Insights learned from a ground-truth dataset with both baseline and toe-in gait trials (N = 12) enabled the creation of a large (N = 138) synthetic dataset for training the predictive model. On a test set of data collected by a separate research group (N = 15), the first peak KAM reduction was predicted with a mean absolute error of 0.134% body weight * height (%BW*HT). This error is smaller than the standard deviation of the first peak KAM during baseline walking averaged across test subjects (0.306%BW*HT). This work demonstrates the feasibility of training predictive models with synthetic data and provides clinicians with a new tool to predict the outcome of patient-specific gait retraining without requiring gait lab instrumentation.

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Design of Interactive Augmented Reality Functions for Robotic Surgery and Evaluation in Dry-Lab Lymphadenectomy
Design of Interactive Augmented Reality Functions for Robotic Surgery and Evaluation in Dry-Lab Lymphadenectomy

Forte, M., Gourishetti, R., Javot, B., Engler, T., Gomez, E. D., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 18(2):e2351, April 2022 (article)

Augmented reality (AR) has been widely researched for use in healthcare. Prior AR for robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery has mainly focused on superimposing preoperative 3D images onto patient anatomy. This paper presents alternative interactive AR tools for robotic surgery. We designed, built, and evaluated four voice-controlled functions: viewing a live video of the operating room, viewing two-dimensional preoperative images, measuring 3D distances, and warning about out-of-view instruments. This low-cost system was developed on a da Vinci Si, and it can be integrated into surgical robots equipped with a stereo camera and a stereo viewer. Eight experienced surgeons performed dry-lab lymphadenectomies and reported that the functions improved the procedure. They particularly appreciated the possibility of accessing the patient's medical records on demand, measuring distances intraoperatively, and interacting with the functions using voice commands. The positive evaluations garnered by these alternative AR functions and interaction methods provide support for further exploration.

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Endowing a {NAO} Robot with Practical Social-Touch Perception
Endowing a NAO Robot with Practical Social-Touch Perception

Burns, R. B., Lee, H., Seifi, H., Faulkner, R., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 9, pages: 840335, April 2022 (article)

Social touch is essential to everyday interactions, but current socially assistive robots have limited touch-perception capabilities. Rather than build entirely new robotic systems, we propose to augment existing rigid-bodied robots with an external touch-perception system. This practical approach can enable researchers and caregivers to continue to use robotic technology they have already purchased and learned about, but with a myriad of new social-touch interactions possible. This paper presents a low-cost, easy-to-build, soft tactile-perception system that we created for the NAO robot, as well as participants' feedback on touching this system. We installed four of our fabric-and-foam-based resistive sensors on the curved surfaces of a NAO's left arm, including its hand, lower arm, upper arm, and shoulder. Fifteen adults then performed five types of affective touch-communication gestures (hitting, poking, squeezing, stroking, and tickling) at two force intensities (gentle and energetic) on the four sensor locations; we share this dataset of four time-varying resistances, our sensor patterns, and a characterization of the sensors' physical performance. After training, a gesture-classification algorithm based on a random forest identified the correct combined touch gesture and force intensity on windows of held-out test data with an average accuracy of 74.1%, which is more than eight times better than chance. Participants rated the sensor-equipped arm as pleasant to touch and liked the robot's presence significantly more after touch interactions. Our promising results show that this type of tactile-perception system can detect necessary social-touch communication cues from users, can be tailored to a variety of robot body parts, and can provide HRI researchers with the tools needed to implement social touch in their own systems.

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